

Image matching and Annotation Using Folksonomy

2009. 01. 01 ~



1. Introduction

l  The amount of user-generated images is increasing rapidly, thanks to easy-to-use multimedia devices and cheap storage and bandwidth.

ž   As of November 2008, Flickr is known to host three billion images.

ž   More than 700 million photos are uploaded to Facebook each month as of January 2009.


l  Given the ever-increasing amount of user-generated images, manually adding tags can be considered infeasible.

ž   Time-consuming and cumbersome.

ž   State-of-the-art automatic image annotation techniques are still characterized by very low precision.


l  Tag recommendation can be seen as a trade-off between automatic image annotation techniques and manual tagging.

ž   First, tag recommendation assists in maintaining consistency between image and tags

ž   Second, automatically suggesting tags makes it possible for users to annotate images in a more time-efficient way. Users only have to select a number of proper tags among the suggestions made.


l  In this research, we propose a tag recommendation that exploits a visual folksonomy to produce more meaningful tags for a query image.

ž   Our approach for annotating user-generated images with a visual folksonomy allows the exploitation of a rich and unrestricted concept vocabulary.



Full-size image (60 K)

Fig. 1.  User-contributed images with user-defined tags.



2. Image Annotation Using a Folksonomy

Fig. 1.  Process of image tag recommendation using Folksonomy.

Fig. 2.  Construction of the restricted folksonomies Q and R. Recommended tag for the query image q is ¡°sky¡± in this example.




l  Tag recommendation procedure:

ž   Step 1: construct Q containing images that are visually similar to the input query image q.

ž   Step 2: construct R by selecting a subset of images in Q that are related to a particular tag.

ž   Step 3: recommend meaningful tags for q using the tag statistics.



<Experimental results>

l  @MIRFlickr-25000:

ž   25,000 images are annotated with 223,537 tags assigned by 9,862 users





Fig. 3.  Performance of the proposed tag recommendation technique compared to a method using a training database with a limited a limited number of concepts.

(a)   Average number of TP tags.

(b)   Average number of FP tags.

3. Leveraging a Folksonomy for Semantic Feature

l  Observation: Image transformation tends to preserve the presence of semantic features (see Fig. 4).

l  We take advantage of the collective knowledge in an image folksonomy for unlimited semantic concept detection (see Fig. 5).

ž   We make use of visually similar images (to query image) retrieved from an image folksonomy (see Fig. 6).


Fig. 4.  Examples to show that sematic features can be preserved in image transformation.


Fig. 5.  Conceptual illustration for video matching using semantic feature (i.e., visual folksonomy).


Fig. 6.  Original and transformed key frames of video, their nearest neighbor images, and top 5 frequent tags in the nearest neighbor images.



<Experimental results>

l  Reference video and query video set

ž   TRECVID 2009 set

ž   Size: 400 videos (100 hours)

l  Folksonomy

ž   Using the collective knowledge in MIRFLICKR-25000



Fig. 7.

(a) Performance comparison under different image transformations.

(b) Comparison between model based approach and folksonomy based approach


* Contact Person: Prof. Yong Man Ro (

1.     Sihyoung Lee, Wesley De Neve, and Yong Man Ro, ¡°Tag Refinement in an Image Folksonomy Using Visual Similarity and Tag Co-occurrence Statistics,¡± Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2010.

2.     Sihyoung Lee, Wesley De Neve, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, and Yong Man Ro, ¡°MAP-based Image Tag Recommendation Using a Visual Folksonomy,¡± Pattern Recognition Letter, 2010.

3.     Hyun-seok Min, Jae Young Choi, Wesley De Neve, and Yong Man Ro, ¡°Near-Duplicate Video Clip Detection Using Model-Free Semantic Concept Detection and Adaptive Semantic Distance Measurement,¡± IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), 2011.

4.     Hyun-seok Min, Jae Young Choi, Wesley De Neve, and Yong Man Ro, ¡°Bimodal Fusion of Low-level Visual Features and High-level Semantic Features for Near-duplicate Video Clip Detection,¡± Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2011.